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第541D章 《選舉管理委員會(選舉程序)(立法會)規例》 第16條 選舉主任須決定候選人是否獲有效提名



(2) If section 10 or 11 (as may be applicable) and sections 37, 39 and 40 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) are complied with, the candidate stands validly nominated unless-

(a) the Returning Officer decides that the nomination form is invalid; or
(b) the candidate withdraws his or her candidature.


if (Cap542.s10() && Cap542.s11() && 
    Cap542.s37() && Cap542.s39() && Cap542.s40()) {
    nomination = valid;

if ((ReturningOfficer.decide(nomination_form) == invalid) || 
    (candidate withdraw)){
    nomination = invalid;



ReturningOfficer.decide(nomination_form) == invalid

如果你係 nomination_form 度 “Goes to definition” (提示︰F12 in VS, Ctrl + Shift + G in Eclipse),你會去左同一條規例既 section 2 Interpretation。Interpretation 就係大家都好熟悉既 variable declaration / initialisation。佢仲要用 semi-colon,真係親切。

nomination form (提名表格) means a form referred to in section 10(1) or 11(1) (as applicable);

咁我地又係 section 10(1) or 11(1) 度 “Goes to definition” 啦。原來 s11 係講功能界別,我地睇 s10(1)

(1) A person is to be nominated as a candidate for a geographical constituency or a candidate for the District Council (second) functional constituency (as applicable) by submitting to the Returning Officer a nomination form containing a nomination list which complies with section 38 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) and this section. (L.N. 73 of 2011)


if (Cap542.s38() && this.section)
    nomination_form = valid;

this.section 係講緊 s10本身,佢有 (2) 至 (11) 咁多個條件。


(4) Each candidate on a nomination list must make the declarations and promissory oath required by section 40(1)(b) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) in the appropriate place on the nomination form.

Cap 542, s40(1)(b)(i) !係你啦!選舉主任話梁天琦唔 comply 果個條件呀!

「等等,咁講法,選舉主任係有權力話佢唔 comply 架噃…」

傻豬黎既,梗係似是而非先呃到人。我地又再Goes to definition。Cap 542, s40(1)(b)(i)

(1) A person is not validly nominated as a candidate for an election for a constituency unless-

(b) the nomination form includes or is accompanied by

(i) a declaration to the effect that the person will uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and




1. 法例只要求”有”聲明

英文︰includes or is accompanied by,中文︰載有或附有。

如果沒有聲明,則選舉主任可決定 nomination_form = invalid。咁睇返我一開始第一段翻譯 (第541D章,第16條,第二節),自自然然 nomination = invalid;

2. 虛假聲明


虛假聲明法例係有 catch exception。第541D章 第103條 作出虛假聲明的罪行。仲寫到明係為左s39, s40而設。可以話 s103 就係 s39, s40 既 try catch block。

如果一個人被裁定作虛假聲明,按 Cap 542, s39 (1)(e)(iv),佢係五年內都冇得選


重點2︰佢會令人喪失提名資格,唔會令張提名表格無效。我知呢兩個 boolean 個名有少少似… 但如果你正正經經跟住D code黎行係唔會炒架。

3. Tricky 位


我信納梁天琦無意擁護基本法,故法律上其實他沒有作出一項符合 Cap 542, s40(1)(b)(i) 的聲明。(見︰不獲確認之理由,paragraph 18-19。)





我開始好眼訓… 我舉個例。Cap 541D, s16(3)(f)

(3) Without prejudice to sections 37, 39 and 40 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542), the Returning Officer may decide that a nomination is invalid if and only if-

(e) the candidate has not lodged the appropriate deposit; or
(f) the Returning Officer is satisfied that the candidate is dead.

if ((candidate 冇交按金) ||
    (ReturningOfficer.satisfied(candidate is dead)))

如果寫到明 the RO is satisfied,就睇選舉主任信納D乜啦。

如果好似(e) deposit 咁,佢有冇交deposit係個fact,一係有比,一係冇比。選舉主任可以話︰「因為條友冇交按金,所以我決定佢既提名無效。」


今次一路講緊既 Cap 542, s40(1)(b)(i) ,係有冇聲明,你信納佢誠唔誠心係冇關係架,個 program 冇 call 你呀!



我都唔知呀… 我又唔想講句”和平之路已盡..完”.. 咁樣…


當呢個 process (政府),唔跟D program code (法律)亂咁行,就叫做 Ultra Vires,是謂越權。




支聯會可唔可以 learn from 學民思潮。


從國教後決定不解散起,學民思潮就從反國教單一議題組織,變成要不斷搵議題的單一議題組織。 [1]






[1] 【學民退潮 2】後雨傘運動 學民的「第二次前途問題」

[2] 【學民退潮 6】超越左右的「神話」



Inconsistency between Sino-British Joint Declaration and Basic Law

Degree of Autonomy

Sino-British Joint Declaration

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be directly under the authority of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs which are the responsibilities of the Central People’s Government. (s3(2))

Basic Law

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress may add to or delete from the list of laws in Annex III after consulting its Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the government of the Region. Laws listed in Annex III to this Law shall be confined to those relating to defence and foreign affairs as well as other matters outside the limits of the autonomy of the Region as specified by this Law. (Art 18 para 3)

The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs. The courts of the Region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs whenever such questions arise in the adjudication of cases. This certificate shall be binding on the courts. Before issuing such a certificate, the Chief Executive shall obtain a certifying document from the Central People’s Government. (Art 19 para 3)

Public Order

Sino-British Joint Declaration

The maintenance of public order in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be the responsibility of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (s3(11))

Basic Law

In the event that the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress decides to declare a state of war or, by reason of turmoil within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which endangers national unity or security and is beyond the control of the government of the Region, decides that the Region is in a state of emergency, the Central People’s Government may issue an order applying the relevant national laws in the Region. (Art 18 para 4)

Chief Executive

Sino-British Joint Declaration

The government and legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be composed of local inhabitants. The chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be selected by election or through consultations held locally and be appointed by the Central People’s Government. Principal officials (equivalent to Secretaries) shall be nominated by the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and appointed by the Central People’s Government. The legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be constituted by elections. The executive authorities shall abide by the law and shall be accountable to the legislature. (Annex I)

Basic Law

The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and shall represent the Region.
The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be accountable to the Central People’s Government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the provisions of this law. (Art 43)





七十四年前,太平洋戰爭爆發,寒冬裡打了十八天香港保衛戰。作戰的是皇家英軍、加拿大和印度的援軍。日軍佔領香港三年零八個月,1945 年 8 月 15 日香港重光,復歸英國管治。抗日戰爭對我們到底有什麼關係?



西安事變、盧溝橋事變之後,國軍抗日,共軍在延安休養生息。1945年8月29日,日本未降,國共便開始重慶談判。作為反對黨的中共,面對國民政府的正規軍,竟然「有得打」,有能力「邊談邊打,以打促談」。國共內戰,共產黨 “消滅國民黨軍807萬” 。





Tienanmen square massacre 26th anniversary

Today is the 26th anniversary of Tienanmen square massacre. It reminds us that we are ruled by a hegemony which prioritize their sovereignty over everything else.

Some argued that the violent suppression was necessary for stability of regime and continuation of the economic reform. All these years, Chinese officials say it did not happen and imprison those who spread the truth. In Hong Kong, many ‘social elites’, who condemned the massacre 26 years ago, have joined the oppressor already.

This has nothing to do with one’s political view. If you think a massacre can be justified, do me a favour and remove me from your friend list.